Monday, July 9, 2018

Pet First Aid - Pet First Aid Courses

First aid is typically described as "Emergency treatment administered to an injured or sick person before professional medical care is available.

Although usually referring to humans, the definition is still valid when it comes to pets. Much of the First Aid that is administered is similar, however distinct differences come into play, specifically when referring to their anatomy, and their inability to communicate with humans what is wrong.

Significant Pet First Aid theory can be learned through reliable internet sources, however it is stressed that this is to be used as a learning resource only, whereas in an emergency, a pet owner should not simply go online.

Comprehensive websites with qualified Veterinarian writers are available to discuss the symptoms and treatments of certain conditions, in addition to recommending whether First Aid treatment will be sufficient or a Veterinary visit will be necessary.

Suggested Measures

Denise Fleck shares her expertise on Pet First Aid and CPR with Dog Man's class - A former film studio publicist with Paramount Pictures, DENISE FLECK founded Sunny-dog Ink in 1999 to Help People Help their Pets. Her specialty is teaching ...

There are several authoritative resources that outline basic measures that can be adopted or administered on the part of pet owners to help deal with pet emergencies. Although these are considered safe to follow, they are not recognized as definitive care since only emergency medical technicians are aware of the correct protocol and procedure especially for immediate aid and specific therapy. The goal is to ensure that the pet gets through an emergency or a life-threatening event long enough for medical help to arrive. One of the most important of these is pet restraint. A humane restraint is necessary to ensure that the pet does not harm the owner and other people around. Secondly, it will also prevent the pet from inflicting further harm since animals tend to struggle when suffering from injury or pain. There are different types of safe restraints (e.g. muzzles, nylon leash) and most first-aid books for pets outlines each of these, including how they can be administered.

It is also encouraged that the pet owner should remain calm. The prospect of losing a beloved pet on could induce one to get stressed or could lead to panic. However, an injured animal is already frightened and the owner will only aggravate the situation if he could not get himself under control. A loss in focus could lead to an inability to determine what needs to be done such as getting it to the nearest vet. It is also helpful if there is a first aid kit at home or in the car. Veterinarians can provide recommendations as to its contents.

Pet First Aid Courses

First Aid for Pets - Australia Wide First Aid
First Aid for Pets - Australia Wide First Aid. Source :

Over the last decade, Pet first aid courses have been made available to pet owners and people who work with pets. This is particularly crucial when determining the type of injury or emergency so that the owner is in a better position to respond appropriately. Many pet related businesses that involve looking after pets require staff to be trained in pet first aid.

Organizations such as PetProHero (ProTrainings), Canadian Associates of Pet Care Providers, Dogsafe Canine First Aid, Walks 'N' Wags Pet First Aid, as well as St. John Ambulance in Canada and American Red Cross offer courses, certification for Pet Care Professionals and reference guides in pet first aid.

April is considered National Pet First Aid Awareness Month, which stresses the importance of Pet First Aid in the well-being of pets.

Course Topics

Pet first aid courses are designed to equip pet owners with the information and skills needed to assess the situation, administer the appropriate care, or stabilize an injured pet until qualified veterinary care can be obtained. Courses typically include preventive care (avoiding illness and injuries). Students usually learn the importance of immediate medical attention following an injury, how to properly restrain and transport an injured animal, and the following:

  • Preventing Illness and Injury
  • Assessing an Emergency Scene
  • Restraint and Transportation
  • Shock
  • Internal and External Bleeding
  • Wounds and Infections
  • Poisons
  • Artificial Respiration and Airway Obstruction
  • Abdominal Thrusts (Heimlich maneuver|Heimlich Maneuver)
  • Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)
  • Administering Medications
  • Parasites
  • Eye and Ear Injuries
  • Injuries from Heat and Cold
  • Bone and Joint Injuries
  • Dealing with Grief
  • How to assemble a complete pet first aid kit

Attending a course in person, typically allow for more hands-on learning (such as practice bandaging, often on live pets) to be included, however distance learning courses and shorter duration lecture classes are also available.


Qualifications and Certifications
Qualifications and Certifications. Source :

External links

Thanks Payment Complete - First Aid for Pets
Thanks Payment Complete - First Aid for Pets. Source :

  • ProPetHero
  • Dogsafe Canine First Aid
  • Official American Red Cross website - Pet Safety
  • Official St John Ambulance Canada website
  • Walks 'N' Wags Pet First Aid

Continuing Education Credits for Pet First Aid Training
Continuing Education Credits for Pet First Aid Training. Source :

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